A new wellness brand making acne care inclusive (and cute)

Pimple patches are definitely a top beauty and skincare trend. They’re great for keeping you from picking at pesky pimples, and overall accepted for public wear — so why not make it cute. Allow us to introduce you to MULTI, a redefining wellness brand known for their iconic smiley face patches.

We chatted with CEO and co-founder, Mal to learn more.

Mal is a creative entrepreneur whose work is rooted in community and collaboration. Her career began in the fashion industry and moved to wellness and beauty after reaching burnout and realizing the importance of prioritizing wellbeing. She has spent the last decade working with wellness, beauty, and fashion brands in creative direction, brand development and strategy, marketing, and production. She is the owner of Schema, a creative agency telling impactful stories and representing impactful artists, the Co Director of Sari-Sari, a community that cultivates connection for the Filipino Diaspora, as well as being the CEO and Co-Founder or MULTI. 

Keep reading as Mal tells us how MULTI came to be.

The story behind MULTI

MULTI is a wellness brand for you to feel good. We help you navigate stress with products that work with your natural rhythm. 

9 out of 10 people (91%) experience physical or psychological problems due to stress. Both AJ Addae (my cofounder) and I have experienced this–personally, I've had eczema, acne, psoriasis, leaky gut, and anxiety, a majority of which I came to find out were stress-induced. I spent over a decade searching, seeing practitioner after practitioner, and being dissatisfied and unheard. I eventually sought a Naturopathic Doctor, coincidentally because I had worked at a supplement shop right out of high school where I had learned about NDs and all about the supplement industry before wellness really became mainstream.

From there I started a journey that led to healing a lot of my health concerns. Which in that journey,  I realized there weren't any brands in the industry talking about this interconnectedness and natural rhythm between all the parts of your body (like certain imbalances in your gut possibly causing your acne or eczema, or how when your brain is feeling stressed that may cause gut issues). We want you to be able to navigate life's challenges, and your body's challenges, with ease through being a brand that you can trust, that you enjoy, and a brand where you feel included.  How?:

Trust: We are founded by a chemist/researcher/PhD candidate (AJ) and backed by a naturopathic doctor (Dr. Bryant Esquejo), we center our formulations on biomimicry, and combine both anecdotal data (from our community who co-create our products with us) and clinical data.

Enjoy: From our design to our communications, we are bold and courageous, for example, talking about taboo health topics to empower you with knowledge that is usually unsaid or gatekept.

Inclusive: We are Black and Southeast Asian founded, inclusivity is not a buzzword to us, it's ingrained in everything we do––and in a space that is majority white lead, we take pride in taking up space in this industry and showing our communities we deserve to feel good. 

How do you want people to feel in their MULTI patches?

To feel good. We always talk about how everything in our bodies is interconnected, same goes for acne/pimples — for some people, their acne could be caused by stress, by their gut health, or other imbalances in their bodies. Adding onto that, acne can cause mental stress (those who have dealt with chronic acne like me can attest to this) and insecurities, leading to this cycle of then the stress potentially leading to an increase of cortisol in your body, and an increase of inflammation, which may lead to more acne/pimples.

I can't tell you how many times I didn't want to leave the house because I had huge breakouts of acne, or flareups of eczema on my face and neck. So with the MULTI Patches, we wanted to give a biomimetic solution (and the first postbiotic pimple patch on the market) that will actually improve the breakouts, but also improve your mood.

Ready to make your acne care a little cuter? You can save 10% on your MULTI order with code MICHAELAMULTI.


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