The power of the nervous system and how to help regulate it
We hear a lot about the nervous system, but what exactly is it and why is it so important?
"Our nervous system’s job is to read our internal and external environments and then coordinate all bodily functions to adapt to those needs in the best way to support our health," says Dr. Shelly Jones at Chiropractic Wellness Center.
"Regulation of the nervous system means it can switch appropriately between parasympathetic (everyday rest and digest functions) and sympathetic (stressful fight or flight functions)."
Ways to help regulate your nervous system:
Regular visits to a chiropractor: "Chiropractic care is about helping restore alignment and function to your spinal joints so your nervous system can function more optimally and regulate and coordinate functions needed to restore your health and well-being," says Dr. Shelly. (Check out more benefits.)
Adding mindfulness to your daily routine: The art of slowing down and being in the present moment can bring you back to balance. You can also carve out time to journal to calm down and process emotions.
Getting in touch with your breath: Practice taking deep breaths to activate the vagus nerve (a key part of the parasympathetic nervous system). You can do this by adding yoga to your practice or mouth taping for your bedtime ritual to encourage nasal breathing.