Understanding the new and full moon cycles with Laurén Green of Laurén Juniper

We can learn a lot about ourselves from the moon — we also have cycles and phases. To help us understand the new and full moon cycles, we have Laurén Green of Laurén Juniper.

Laurén is an intuitive energy reader who believes in empowering others by deprogramming societal facades. Her fiery and perceptive honesty challenges you to face your most authentic self  — where all of your true power, motivation, and inspiration lies. 

Keep reading to learn how you can work with the moon.

Q. What does the new moon symbolize? What does the full moon symbolize?

A. New moons always represent the beginning of a new lunar cycle. In the sky we can see the moon as a blank canvas ready for us to pour our manifestations into it. It represents a time of new beginnings, new manifestations, new ideas, projects, and fertility.

The full moon on the other hand represents the culmination of energy we have created during the 30 day cycle. It is also opposing the Sun, creating what can feel like tension heightened energy.

Q. What is this a good time for? 

A. New moons are incredible for casting intentions and starting anew. The idea is to be filling the moon with all of your lovely manifestations. It's a fertile time for planting seeds.

Full moons are not necessarily a time for "active manifesting" (though we are always creating our reality). We are more so releasing what does not serve us. This time acts as a detox to relinquish energies we do not need as we continue to grow and expand. This is also a time for things to be revealed.

Q. What are some rituals for this?

A. I love using new moons for money rituals. I'll always reach for a green candle that I carve my name and money symbols into. The Lunar Hope is my go-to for this type of ritual work.

When it comes to full moons, I like to work with black candles and do banishing or protection spells. This isn't out of fear, but serves more of spiritual hygiene. It's also great for going into deep trance work and getting messages from the other side through downloads or card-pulling.

Follow @laurenjuniper to learn more about self care rituals.


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