Finding a fun workout for the perfect routine, featuring BEATS Barre Studio

You shouldn't have to dread your workout. A part of curating the best regimen for you means finding a workout that keeps you active while being able to enjoy yourself.

Meet Meredith Trout, founder and owner of BEATS Barre Studio in Columbia, SC, who has always had a passion for exercise.

At an early age, dance and cheer gave her confidence and taught her that fitness can be fun and make you feel good. Throughout her life, she tried every kind of fitness class she could access — step, aerobics, kickboxing, barre, and more.

Photo by Curated with Lynn

After the birth of her first son, Meredith began training and completed six half marathons plus a full marathon in the span of 18 months. However, with a new baby, working, and experiencing some injuries from distance running, she sought new ways to get the same calorie burn and endorphin rush from running without the strain it puts on the body.

"After teaching several classes at my local YMCA, I began formulating my own method through mat work, dance fitness, and ballet movement — the early beginnings of BEATS," says Meredith.

Her past experiences include teaching other styles of classes, allowing her to explore various methods and gain branded certifications.

"Through extensive research on exercise science, I began to refine a combination of techniques learned in these different classes."

She also educated herself on methods gained from popular aerobic and dance fitness platforms, and she purchased every fitness DVD she could get her
hands on. The more she learned, the more she understood the effectiveness of ancillary muscles in controlling strength and balance. 

The low-impact, high-repetition strategy of BEATS allows the method to be practiced at any age.

Photo by Southern Hook Photography

Below we continue the conversation about BEATS and the importance of a fun, custom workout routine. 

Q. Why is it important to make your fitness routine fun?

A. First, if it’s fun and you enjoy your workout then it becomes a priority. When that happens, you will see results more quickly.

Once you start seeing those results (both physical and mental) there’s no turning back because when you feel better, it is reflective in every aspect of your life.

Second, life in general can be difficult and exercising can be seen as difficult by some. However, as research shows, exercise is critical for our overall health and wellbeing.

When you incorporate the fun element into your workout, it often shifts the mindset from, “this is something I have to do,” to “this is something I get to do!”

Finally, fun in your life can lead to joy in your life. Joy is deep, lasting, and contagious!

Photo by Southern Hook Photography

Q. What are some tips for finding the right class for you?

A. Whether you are a student of dance either in your life or just in your heart, the BEATS Signature 60-minute class is the one for you.

If you prefer to skip the dance cardio section or are short on time the BEATS 45-minute express class is the best choice. Both classes offer a fantastic workout. Be prepared to sweat in whichever class you choose.

. What makes Beats Barre Studio different?

A. Honestly, everything. At BEATS, our whole fitness vibe is different, and it is meant to be that way. We are not a franchise, and we do not have a “corporate” feel in any way.

This is a workout that has been put personally and intentionally put together through 15+ years of exercise research and proven results.

At BEATS, the entire routine and choreography (including mat work) is designed for maximum results. It changes every three weeks so the mind and body doesn’t plateau, but still has the chance to learn and master the moves by the end of the cycle.

The workout doesn’t get easier, but you do get better at it. The playlist is carefully curated to set the scene for a great class, from old-school jams to pop, techno dance, rap, trending songs, and beyond. The distinctive method of BEATS yields a workout experience unlike any other while providing body-changing results. This is the only studio locally of its kind.

Q. What can a client expect for their first class?

A. Expect to sweat, have fun and let loose, and use some muscles that perhaps you haven’t used before.

There is a two-three class learning curve at BEATS. Give yourself a handful of classes to really begin to understand how your body moves within this workout. Don’t be discouraged if you didn’t “get it” in the first class. Anything worth doing is worth doing
well; and BEATS is definitely worth doing.

Learn more + book a BEATS class.


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