Herbalism for beginners with Jayna Roy of 5th Dimension

Herbalism is a fascinating topic, and with so much to learn and cover it can be hard knowing where or how to get started.

Meet Jayna Roy, a mother, herbalist, and owner of 5th Dimension based outside of Philadelphia.

"I love connecting with the world around me, reading and pampering myself with trips to the spa. Cooking and working out are my favorite ways to destress," says Jayna. "I’ve been sober for over seven years, and found herbalism at a time when I really needed it in my early sobriety. I’ve been on the plant path ever since!"

5th Dimension started more than five years ago when she was living in the Mojave Desert with her now husband.

"I was making skincare for myself and friends as a fun thing to do on weekends, and to make extra cash."

She later received a Hemera Artist Grant to attend a five day silent meditation retreat at Silent Rock (an 8 hour drive from her house).

"On my way home from the retreat, I was bursting with creative energy. I decided to channel that energy into my 'little skincare project' which has since turned into a thriving small business."

Keep reading for Jayna's tips on getting started on your herbalism journey.

Q. If someone is interested in learning about herbs, where should they start?

A. Books! I have an Amazon collection of books for anyone wanting to dip a toe in. I trust books over Google searches any day.

Q. How can adding certain herbs to a routine improve well-being?

A. In so many ways! By cultivating rituals that connect you with nature, by focusing on improving your vital force, by digging deeper than symptoms to understand how your body functions, by feeling empowered.

 For example, I love working with tonic herbs, because they show results over time, not today or tomorrow. I like this for two reasons:

1.  You have to develop a new routine or ritual centered around caring for yourself in order to see results.
2. You have to work with said herb for a week+ to really feel the effects. But when you do, they are well worth it.

Q. What are four tips that a beginner herb enthusiast needs to get started?

1. Write down what you are trying to address, and then read up on what the energetics or doshas of that is. That will narrow down your search for the right herb. 
2. Get outside and try to identify a few plants around you. No need to uproot anything, just get familiar with what’s growing outside your door. Even something as common as Dandelion. 
3. A french press is great for making multiple cups of loose leaf tea. Simply put the herbs and hot water in the french press, cover, then strain after steeping
4. Visit a local herb shop and ask if they have any upcoming classes.

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