Summer salad series: BLT salad with cilantro jalapeño dressing

Who doesn’t love a tasty, healthy salad on a summer day? We’ve teamed up with Lindsey Rhinesmith a.k.a @simplemealdiary for a summer salad series. Here’s part one:

BLT salad with cilantro jalapeño dressing

Ingredients for salad:

1 head of ice burg lettuce

1 cup of cherry tomatoes

1/3 of a purple onion

4 strips of turkey bacon

1 can of corn

Black pepper

Directions: Dice all veggies up and add to your salad bowl, top with black pepper (to taste, you can also omit this ingredient). Chop bacon strips into bite-sized pieces separately. In a medium saucepan, add olive oil. Once hot (I always sprinkle a little bit of flour to make sure my pan is hot enough), add turkey bacon and crisp to your preference (personally, I do about six minutes). Once finished, add bacon to your salad mix. Toss salad to fully combine and top with cilantro jalapeño dressing. This is great as a full meal or side dish. I paired with grilled chicken wings because — summer! SERVE (makes 3-4 servings).

Ingredients for dressing:

3/4 cup Greek yogurt (or sour cream)

3/4 cup mayo

1 cup cilantro

1 cup jalapenos (I used jarred, but can also do fresh)

Juice from 1/2 a lime

Black pepper + garlic salt

Directions: In a mixing bowl, combine yogurt, mayo and seasoning. In a food processor (or blender), combine cilantro, jalapeño, and lime juice. Blend until smooth. Combine together and place in fridge until ready to use.


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