Unlocking the hidden power of the ears for women's health, featuring Theresa Gevaert and Lindsey Calcutt of Incora Health

Great ideas often start with a spark of inspiration — and sometimes inside a minivan. 

Meet Theresa Gevaert and Lindsey Calcutt, co-founders of the Incora earring, an innovative earring designed to provide insights for women's health.

Theresa is a mother of four, a former broadcast journalist, and a passionate advocate for redefining women’s health.

“For years, managing my fertility without hormonal birth control was a challenge. Using the temperature method meant waking up every morning at the same time, using a thermometer before doing anything else, and manually logging the data. I knew there had to be a better way.”

Inspiration struck one day while driving to buy a minivan for her growing family. She thought to herself, "What if a thermometer could be integrated into the post of an earring? This earring could automatically record temperature during sleep and seamlessly send the data to an app, making menstrual cycle tracking effortless."

With this groundbreaking idea, Theresa reached out to Lindsey Calcutt, PhD, a PhD in biomedical engineering with more than 20 years of experience in medical devices. Lindsey saw the potential immediately, and together, they embarked on an exciting journey to revolutionize women’s health monitoring. 

Today, they proudly present Incora Health’s stylish earrings, which go beyond just tracking fertility. The patented technology makes it easy, accurate, and fashionable to monitor your whole health based on your unique menstrual cycle. 

Below, Theresa and Lindsey explain how our ears can provide insights and how Incora is changing the game.

Q. What are the hidden powers of the ears?

A. Our ears are not just for hearing; they hold a wealth of untapped potential for health monitoring. The unique physiology of the ear allows for accurate measurement of vital signs like temperature and heart rate.

One of the key advantages is the absence of bones in the earlobe, which means there are fewer obstacles for sensor readings. Additionally, the earlobe's proximity to blood vessels optimizes the accuracy of these readings.

By placing sensors in earrings, Incora Health aims to leverage this strategic positioning to ensure consistent and reliable health data, transforming our earrings into powerful tools for tracking menstrual cycles, fertility windows, and whole health metrics. Clinical studies are currently underway.

Q. How does this tracker differ from others on the market?

A. Incora Health's tracker stands out through its sleek design and multi-functional capabilities. Unlike traditional health wearables that can be bulky or unattractive, our earrings are stylish and discreet, seamlessly blending into any lifestyle. They offer a unique combination of health monitoring and fashion, making it easy for women to integrate them into their daily lives.

Additionally, it offers a comprehensive approach to a woman's whole health that is both accurate and convenient. Our tracker is made for women, by women. 

Q. Is there an anticipated launch date? 

A. We are excited to announce that Incora Health's pre-sale will launch this fall.

For those eager to stay updated on the latest developments, including pre-order information and exclusive offers, we invite you to follow us on our social media channels and subscribe to our newsletter through our website. Stay tuned for more exciting updates as we get closer to the launch date.


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